What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding means keeping people safe from abuse and neglect.
Organisations that work with children and vulnerable adults, like schools, community venues and day centres have policies in place to protect them and respond to concerns. These are called safeguarding measures.
What does vulnerable adult mean?
A vulnerable adult is someone aged 18 or above who may need community care services for reasons like mental health issues, disability, age or illness.
They may not be able to take care of themselves or protect themselves from harm or exploitation.
What does abuse mean?
An abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or group of people.
Abuse or neglect can happen anywhere - at home or in public, in hospitals, day centres, schools, colleges or care homes.
Often the person causing the harm is someone you know, in a position of trust and power. This could be a health, education or care professional, or a friend, relative or neighbour.
indecent exposure
sexual harassment
unwanted looking or touching
sexual teasing and inappropriate jokes
being shown pornography when unwanted
sharing naked photos of someone online that they didn’t want shared
witnessing sexual acts
unwanted or unconsented sexual acts.
threatening physical violence
threats of being physically hurt, left alone or abandoned
stopping someone seeing other people
verbal abuse
unreasonably or unjustifiably taking away or stopping someone receiving support or services
spending someone else’s money inappropriately when appointed to look after it on their behalf
forcing someone to spend their money on things they don’t want
internet, email, phone, postal and doorstep scams.
This is abuse because of someone’s disability, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, or religion.
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